Top Ten Photographs of 2024
As Artificial Intelligence becomes more sophisticated, I am going to go all-in on film for 2025. I’m going to shoot exclusively on film for the entire year and see how it goes.
Photo Walk in Historic Folsom
A morning photo walk in Historic Folsom with the Sacramento Photographers Facebook Group
The Perfection Trap
We’re humans, so we’re imperfect, so why should we expect our photography to be any different? Imperfections are what make photography such a magnificent art form.
Top Ten Photographs from 2023 and Looking Ahead to 2024
Things got a little crazy for me in 2023 photography-wise, and that is reflected in my top ten pictures from this year.
Street Photography Workshop with Gus Powell
The class started with Gus discussing his various exercises for the street. These included some common street photography tips such as fishing (staying in one location for a while) and following (pursuing an interesting subject). He also talked about having shot lists and wish lists before going out and also forcing yourself to take half a dozen head shots if you’re feeling nervous or timid. But the real star of this lecture, and the most useful, was his idea of Sketching.
Navigating Burnout in Photography
Making a living with photography is my goal, but am I willing to kill my love of the art form to achieve it? And if I’m not, am I really going to make any money? These are questions I’m constantly wrestling with and are likely behind my periodic bouts of burnout. And when I burnout on photography, I mean it.